Nerve Block in Tulsa, OK

What is a Nerve Block?

The human nervous system is an amazingly vast and complex network controlled by the brain, and governs most every action you take in life, from luxuriating in soft sheets to snatching your hand away from an open flame.

It’s this second function that defines the role of your nerves as the protector of your body. Your nerves alert you to danger and signal you when something is wrong. They can be persistent in their warning.

If you’re experiencing pain, an effective way to control it is to prevent the sensation from forming in the first place, which is what your doctor at Memorial Pain Clinic does through a nerve block.

By injecting a local anesthetic with steroids directly into your nerves, your doctor helps you control debilitating pain while avoiding invasive surgical solutions.

What Can a Nerve Block Treat?

The interventional pain management doctors at Memorial Pain Clinic use nerve blocks to treat pain in your:

  • Back
  • Legs, including your knees
  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Arms, including your elbows and wrists
  • Hips
  • Tailbone

How is the Nerve Block Administered?

Your doctor administers the nerve block using fluoroscopic (X-ray) imaging to ensure that they inject the right area. The procedure lasts only minutes, depending upon the number of injections you need.

Typically, your doctor starts with a temporary pain reliever to make sure they’re reaching the right source of your pain. Over the course of 24 hours, you monitor your pain levels to see if the block works.

If the temporary procedure is successful, your doctor goes in again with a longer-lasting nerve block.

How Quickly Does the Nerve Block Work?

Immediately following your nerve block at Memorial Pain Clinic, you should experience relief from your pain thanks to the anesthetic. It typically takes longer for the steroid to go to work to tackle your inflammation, but you should notice an improvement within a few days.

If the nerve block is successful, you should expect to repeat the process as the effects gradually wear off. That time frame varies from patient to patient.

To learn more about nerve blocks, call Memorial Pain Clinic, or use the online scheduler to book a consultation.

How Can You Learn More?

Memorial Pain Clinic is here to help you achieve a better quality of life. Let us help you take control of your pain today! Please contact us to schedule your visit and ask any questions you have.